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Vincent and Theo: The VanGogh Brothers

Vincent and Theo: The VanGogh Brothers

Written By: Deborah Heiligman

"Your work and  . . . brotherly affection . . . is worth more than all the money I'll ever possess. -Theo to Vincent, April 24, 1889

This book causes one to slow down and not just read, but live the letters between Vincent and Theo VanGogh. What a dark, inspiring, adventurous and tumultuous life these two brothers lead. All the while, leaning on each other as though they were tied at the waist with a string pulling, no matter the miles between. This is such an exciting time in art and to see this world, the intertwinement of these artists brought to life through Vincent and Theo's letters, was such a joy to read.   As the dedication reads, "The world would not have Vincent without Theo." but one might argue after reading this book, that as much as Vincent relied and leaned on his relationship with his brother, Theo's lifeline to Vincent was equally as strong. What a beautiful story about the art, love, and the strongest of bonds between the VanGogh brothers. 


More From This Author: Deborah Heiligman

More About the Vincent: VanGogh Museum.

Buy Here: Indiebound. Amazon. Barnes and Noble.




Astronaut Scott Kelly: My Journey to the Stars

Astronaut Scott Kelly: My Journey to the Stars

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls