

Welcome to my library. I write book reviews for children and young adult literature.  Please stay awhile and take a look around. Follow the link to my Instagram account for more book reviews.

Happy reading!

We Go Together

We Go Together

Written by: Todd Dunn

Illustrated by: Miki Sakamoto

We go together like socks and shoes. We go together like cow and moo.

This book is one of the first books that both my girls learned how to read. No matter how old the girls get We Go Together is still requested many a night. It's one of those that gives you a warm fuzzy right before bed. Find this at your library this summer or in one of the links listed below. It's a must have!

Read with your kids!


More from this publisher: Sterling Publishing Co.

Buy Here: Amazon.  Barnes and Noble.  


The Day the Crayons Quit

The Day the Crayons Quit

The Goodnight Train

The Goodnight Train