Written by: Nathaniel Hobbie.
Illustrated by: Jocelyn Hobbie
"Pink apples, bananas, pink oranges, too. -- Pink bicycles, pink rubber on the sole of your shoe. -- Pink rivers. Pink fish, Pink grass and pink sky. -- Pink is all you can see, no matter how hard you try."
When the girls were young tots we spent many an hour at the library. It was fun and didn't cost a dime. We are so very lucky that our cozy town and the neighboring both have libraries with AMAZING children's sections with the most dedicated librarians, that absolutely love their jobs. It is such a gift to these kids. The girls checked out anything with J HOB written on the spine (a.k.a. Hobbie). Holly Hobbie's Toot & Puddle Adventures and Nathaniel & Jocelyn Hobbie's Priscilla stories were weekly check-outs, rotating in and out of our house monthly. I finally had to buy the set so other kids might get a chance to check them out too.
I decided to post Priscilla and her stories because Priscilla and her Pink Planet seemed. . well. . very festive today. Don't be fooled by all the pink though, this is no ordinary "every girl loves pink" story...ohhhh no. Priscilla lives in a world exploding in pink and she is ready to bust out, because she is sure there is more than pink out there in the world. Grab this book and the rest of Priscilla's stories. She is one determined and independent young lady, you and the kids will love her.
More From this Author: Little Brown Company
Buy Here: Amazon. Barnes and Noble.