

Welcome to my library. I write book reviews for children and young adult literature.  Please stay awhile and take a look around. Follow the link to my Instagram account for more book reviews.

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Batman: Nightwalker

Batman: Nightwalker

Written by: Marie Lu

Jacket art by: Jacey

"Gotham City - Blame the virus, not the fever. You are not under attack from the Nightwalkers. You are under attack from your own rich, and their corrupt system of blood money. Do not try to stop us. Death to tyranny."

I could NOT put this book down! This is one of the darker reads that I have posted, but as many of you DC Comic fans know, Bruce Wayne has a dark past and deals with many haunted villains. This story steps into the mind and thoughts of Bruce as he turns eighteen and is inheriting his family's fortune, after the tragic loss of his parents. While Bruce is doing community service in the basement of the infamous Arkham Asylum, he finds himself drawn to a young inmate, Miss Madeline Wallace, who will ONLY speak to him. Can young Bruce Wayne trust what she is saying? Is she really what they say she is...a Nightwalker, a murderer? 

For those of you that loved The Dark Knight, you will fly through this read.  Marie Lu did a fantastic job getting into Bruce's head and expressing his inter dialogue throughout the book.  Marie writes Bruce and its characters so well, I really hope she decides to continue Bruce's story and share more. 

Get Reading!

More From Author: Marie Lu

Buy Here: Indiebound.  Amazon.  Barnes and Noble.  



York: The Shadow Cipher

York: The Shadow Cipher